Chloe Osei-Yaw

Strawberry Milk

Class of: 2025

Major: Strategic Design and Management BBA

Medium: Customized Article of Clothing

Faculty: Seminar: Ivana Radavic / Studio: Rachel P Youens

Prompt: To investigate early memories through drawing, and then construct a 3-dimensional object, whose tactile materials and forms relate to a memory experience with haptically-related materials to create form and content.

The idea of this project was firmly based around the world that I lived in within my early years. I sketched these images based on what occurred each day that reminded me of my childhood. I wore bell-bottom jeans that were my mother’s in the 90s and it reminded me of how much she has influenced my everyday life choices even up to my sense of style. The day that I sketched the Nesquik bottle I caught a glimpse of one the local bodega by my dorm and it instantly brought me back. I was able to curate my materials during class and I was walked through my old neighborhood in the process. Scavenging for these items within my old hood really set the tone when it came to creating this final project. It brought value to this Strawberry Milk.