Hanning Mao
Volcano & Glacier
Class of: 2026
Major: Fashion Design BFA
Medium: A combination of multiple media
Faculty: Diana Shpungin
Prompt: Create an invented past and present landscape or portrait in two (or more) parts: half hand drawn in ink/half digitally rendered in Illustrator, with the goal of the hand mimicking the digital method and vice versa. Create a mark-making system. Not allowed to use line and color.
Half of the artwork depicts a volcano while the other half depicts a glacier. The volcanic eruption is hand-drawn, and different types of garbage that represent various colors are used to depict the feeling of the volcano and the glacier. For example, pineapples and batteries represent the volcano, while plastic bottles and pills represent the glacier. The main purpose is to raise awareness of environmental pollution. Using combinations of elements to create a sense of line